Doors. The centerpiece to our homes. The “welcome” to our castles. What does yours say about you? Does it give you the curb appeal you’re looking for? How about safety? Can it stand up to these unpredictable Maryland seasons? Is it saving you money? Let’s find out.

If your house needs a quick Botox injection and not a full facelift, a new front door is the easiest way to get an updated look. Providing around 86% return on investment, a replacement ProVia door will not only increase your home’s value, but it will also give your dwelling a rejuvenated look (and maybe make the neighbors jealous). Pair your new door with a matching storm door to make your entry a framed masterpiece.

A study conducted in November 2017 showed burglars choose homes with wooden doors because they’re easier to kick open. Additionally, without broken glass, they have less chance of wounding themselves during the invasion. You want to be safe in your home. There are a few ways doors can help with that. First, raise your hand if you’ve ever tried to open your front door with your key fob (I’ve got mine up). Put those keys away and modernize with a smart lock you can pair to your smartphone for easy and safe access. Additional bonus, the built-in alarm technology senses potential door attacks. Let’s not forget the 20 gauge security plate doubling up your protection with a more intimidating ProVia door.

Older doors get weather damage. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything you can do about it. If you feel a draft, you’re losing money. What’s worse, there may be rot hiding under the surface. Deteriorating doors can affect your health with mold and decaying materials. A ProVia door can fix both issues. The double punch combination of being both Energy Star certified and built with FrameSaver technology (never absorbs water and never warps or cracks) solves two problems with one knockout. Smarter, not harder, friends.

Your house deserves an upgrade. You deserve an upgrade. Let us help you create the inviting, safe and money saving entryway you’ve always wanted.