You know we are living in the future when it’s not weird that your house needs to breathe. More specifically, your house’s siding. Did you know it also has more jobs than just making your castle look pretty? Your siding can even improve the quality of the air you breath inside your home as well as increase the value of the structure.

Remodeling magazine’s Cost vs. Value Report states that re-siding your home with siding in the mid-range or larger categories provides the #1 return on your remodeling investment. U.S. News and World Report indicated that siding replacement is one of the five best home improvements you can make and that replacing your siding recoups, on average, nearly 80% of the projects cost in resale value.

While many homeowners consider multiple types of remodels and upgrade to their home, many fail to recognize upgrading the siding, although it provides the number one return on investment. Also, installing the “right” siding will never need painting, repels insects, can save you money on your energy bills and can give you the best looking home on the block (and plenty of side eye from the neighbors. See what I did there? Side eye, siding).

However, not all siding is created equal, and even the best siding in the world will fail if it is not installed correctly. Vinyl siding expands and contracts as the outside temperature changes causing the low-grade siding to crack and come loose. Gaps and dents aren’t just eyesores; they open up your home to water damage and even insect infestations. In the summer, when temperatures are high, vinyl expands. In the winter, when temperatures are low, vinyl contracts. To avoid the problem, vinyl siding must be installed in a way that allows it to move and let moisture to escape, permitting the walls to “breathe.”

When properly manufactured and expertly installed, siding will provide home improvements in a few critical ways. It will create structural integrity and becomes a protective shell for your home. Siding will increase R-value. (R-value refers to thermal resistance and is one way of measuring the insulating capacity of any given material). Issues associated with mildew and rot can be effectively averted. Additionally, the right siding will prevent air infiltration, and noise or pollution will be significantly reduced.

We at the EW office believe you deserve a home that will give you four times more insulating power, 300% more impact protection, and improved energy-efficiency. That is why we carry only the best home siding, including traditional vinyl and fullback insulated siding at a price that is fair and comes with a lifetime guarantee.