Toys can be a challenge to organize, regardless it’s important to be able to sort what may otherwise be a mess. Here are some ideas for your playroom space:

  • Baskets: Baskets are a great way to hide toys in common areas while making them accessible.
  • Built In Shelves: Built-in shelves are safer then stand-alone shelves when installed properly. Shelving units are great for books, puzzles, toys and craft supplies
  • Storage Bins : Like a built-in shelf, you can purchase bins for storage. Bins and cabinets can be custom-built to double as a bench with storage accessible from the top or front. In some cases, we can even create a new closet or storage room for you!

Learning at Home can be a challenge when children are accustomed to getting on the bus and going to school. How can you create a routine at home to allow your days to flow? Ask your child about their routine at school and how they like to learn. This may give you some ideas to structure your days. Most teachers have guidelines and schedules in the classroom. Consider ways to Co-create a schedule while still maintaining proper boundaries. 

Chalk Board or White Board A chalkboard or whiteboard may enhance the at-home learning experience! You can purchase a free-standing easel version or have one professionally mounted to the wall.