It’s probably not something you think about; you go into the kitchen, grab something from the junk drawer, maybe a quick snack, a refreshing glass of your favorite beverage, and go on your way. But those habits get completely undone when you’re embarking on a kitchen remodel. Things you never thought about are suddenly thrown into question. Where will we store the food? Wait, forget saving, how will we cook the food? Where will the dishes go? Before you call off that dream remodel you’ve always wanted, check out our tips for handling the upgrade like a pro.

  • Plan for an “in between” kitchen. Maybe it’s your dining room, basement or garage. No matter the location, it will be your new go-to for the next few weeks. Preferably someplace close to running water and a space for small appliances. Here, you’ll keep the necessities like your microwave, a few dishes and if you have one, a mini-fridge. If you do not have a mini, keep the standard refrigerator plugged in close by.
  • Try to use as much existing food as possible so that you do not have to move an overload of cans or boxed pantry items later. What will not be used on a regular basis, should be labeled and packed away until the project is done. Things you will handle day to day can go in clear bins, again, labeled for quick use.
  • Plan meals and make additional portions. Freeze those extra portions for quick reheating in your microwave. You can also keep coupons for meal ready kits and local restaurants. Additionally, ask your friends if you can “borrow” their kitchen in exchange for feeding them. If you have an electric skillet, toaster oven or air fryer, now is the perfect time to learn new recipes for them.
  • Create a “progress chart” for you and your contractor. Together you can track the flow with notes, photographs, and a checklist. Used in correlation with a calendar, you will always know exactly what is happening with the project and help keep communication open and frustration down.
  • Most importantly, be patient. A remodel project is rarely done early. A contractor worth his fee, like Remodeling Wizards of Maryland, will double and triple check to make sure everything is perfect. Rushing through construction with half-hearted work is not worth any time saved. This is your home; you’ve worked hard for it. We respect that.

Now that you’re ready to tackle your new kitchen head-on, call us today for your free estimate.